Queen’s Park plans to expand the health care role of pharmacists
Pharmacist agrees with the move provided there is collaboration with physicians The Ontario government said Wednesday it is looking to...
Pharmacist agrees with the move provided there is collaboration with physicians The Ontario government said Wednesday it is looking to...
The host Julie Rovner KFF Health News @jrovner Julie Rovner is chief Washington correspondent and host of KFF Health News'...
Simulation axercises Lakeridge health Critical Care staff practice proper marking and insertion tecniques - Lakeridge Health's Critical Care staff are...
Srividya Iyer Originally from India and now the director of a Canadian network focused on youth mental health, Srividya Iyer...
Those using doda, afeem or other Ayurvedic products are asked to monitor themselves for symptoms of lead poisoning Fraser Health...
Provincial laboratories are testing digital tools and innovative solutions to support more rapid diagnostic services to improve access to testing...
In a recent review published in the journal Nature Reviews Microbiology, researchers systematically reviewed the impacts of various dietary components...
Everybody poops, but how often people go could reveal a lot about their long-term health, according to research published Tuesday...
Dr. Steve Major, president of the Newfoundland and Labrador Medical Association, says the province needs a long-term plan to address...
Health-care professionals, unions and advocates made a lot of noise at Peace and Friendship Park in Halifax Tuesday as...